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Ep. 98: April 12, 2016

All This Craziness Happened When We Were 7 Years Old

On Today’s Show:

JV shooting at people. Natasha’s door to door ice cream scam. Elvis’ aunt committed suicide but he got a bike w a banana seat and it made it okay. DH Army men looking good. JV fight with bugs. Natasha turns down big show offer. Dentist yanks a whole rotten mouth. Two sets of identical twins marry each other who can’t tell each other apart. Elvis has an evil twin. Baked glasses in bread. Called Natasha’s sister to fact check Natasha’s ice cream scam story. Natasha pants-ing, surprise ding-a-ling. Elvis exposed to live birth and execution. Talking with the author of “How To Smoke Pot”. Another strange caller during this interview.
