On Today’s Show:
World Famous Psychic Gary Spivey and today’s top stories.
Paris Attack. Comedian Arnez J. Awesome Veteran Story..
Natasha & Selena Talk Sex & More. JV Punches Kid In Ear..
Natasha’s Middle Finger To Bosses. JV’s Egg Hangers..
Ear Wax & Massaging. Interview w Catholic priest..
S.F. Shooting. Elvis Doesn’t Fart. JV Wrecked His Drone..
JV & Natasha’s Death Plans. Natasha Licked. Poofa..
JV Attacked! Elvis’ Potential GF. TV Reporter Gisia Mikaelian..
JV & Natasha’s Big Purchase. Lady Stalking JV..
Natasha & Selena Talk Sex & More. Why Farts Smell..
Is This Racist? Slap To Face Bite To Junk. Elvis Mad..
Natasha’s Fertile. Guest Paul Rodriguez..
DH Shirts Available Now! Penis Tat. Miss Cali..
The Doo-Doo Club.
Natasha Attempts Her First Prank Call!.
What Is With You?.
Girl Wants Advice About Doggie Bag Date..
Great Laughs. Anchor Dan Ashley. Morons w Laser Pointers..
Natasha & Selena at Gyno,Frank Shamro.