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Human Barbie.. Sexy or Not Sexy?

There’s a model in the Ukraine named Valeria Lukyanova who prides herself on how much she looks like Barbie. And to be honest, she really DOES look like her. Mostly due to plastic surgery and the fact that she STARVES herself to have a 19-inch waist.

Recently, she said she’s planning to stop eating COMPLETELY, and survive on “air and light alone.” Which is an actual “movement” called Breatharianism.

People who do it claim you can live without food OR water for extended periods of time. And instead, you get all your nutrients from the SUN.

Which sounds impossible . . . because it IS. Several people have CLAIMED they’ve done it, but it’s never actually been documented. However, more than a few people have tried it and DIED.

Full story

barbie lady 1-msf

barbie lady 2-vgH

barbie lady 3-HxD

barbie lady 4-oE0

My question for you is…. Do you find this ‘human barbie’ sexy?  Would you want to date a human barbie look-a-like?
