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Woman Chases Man Through Store Topless

A woman in Lenexa, Kansas was trying on clothes in a Kohl’s dressing room on Tuesday, when she saw a guy’s HAND poke under the door and start filming her with a cell phone. But instead of covering up, she burst out of the dressing room and chased the guy out of the store . . . TOPLESS. Police found him three blocks away, and he’s facing up to a year in jail.

This sounds like something out of a “Benny Hill” episode. On Tuesday, a woman in her thirties named Jeanne Ouellette was trying on clothes at a Kohl’s in Lenexa, Kansas.

But when she looked down in the dressing room, she saw a guy’s HAND poking in under the door, filming her with a cell phone.

She was half-naked, so she freaked out, burst out of the dressing room, and started CHASING the guy . . . TOPLESS. She used her hands to cover herself, but still.

The guy eventually ran out the front door, and Jeanne decided not to follow him. But she was screaming about what he did, and several other customers DID go after him.

Cops eventually tracked him down three blocks away. His name is Jeremy Bradley, and he’s been charged with breach of privacy. He’s facing up to a year in jail, plus a $2,500 fine.

Jeanne told a local news station that she wasn’t really thinking when she ran out of the dressing room topless. She was just “enraged.”


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