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Teacher Suspended Over Stolen Photos

A teacher out of West Chester, Ohio has been put on leave due to nude photos that showed up after she reported her iPhone stolen on a revenge porn website where hackers and ex-boyfriends or girlfriends often post inappropriate photos. The middle school teacher at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy in Sycamore Township told officers she actually lost her phone on September 24th, but she didn’t report it for two months.


Should this teacher be suspended for having nude photos in her phone that got revealed to the public after it was stolen?

I do believe that we have to hold certain people to a higher standard of behavior than others. Children look up to leading figures of a church, police officers and teachers. They look for guidance from these professions. So a teacher can’t just drop an f-bomb like the guy the kid might hear working in a garage. When a cop is in his uniform, he needs to be a role model at ALL times. However, what each one does with their own personal time is their business. If they want to take naked pictures of themselves that is their business. If someone stole their device from their home and leaked it to the world, they should not be punished. I use the word device because if they are using a cell phone to take the nude photos, then that phone should never come to school. There is a good chance that she could lose it or a student get ahold of it. Again, if the device was stolen from her home, that is her business, but if she brought a device with naked pictures to school than she should absolutely be punished for the poor judgment. I would feel the same about weed.  If she wants to smoke at home, stay out of it. If you bring it to school, you should lose your job.

If you’d like to know more about the story you can watch the video.

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