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Before You Find "The One"

Here’s What It Takes Before You Find “The One”

A new study has figured out the average number of dates, relationships, and sexual partners people have before they find “the One.” Apparently it takes the average person 15 kisses, two long-term relationships, three shorter relationships, seven sexual partners . . . and being cheated on once.

This study figured out the average number of dates, relationships, sexual partners, and everything else you have to go through before you finally meet the right person.  Here’s the breakdown:

15 kisses.

Two long-term relationships.

Three shorter relationships.

Four disastrous dates.

Having your heart broken twice.

Seven sexual partners.

Being cheated on once . . . and cheating on someone once.

Falling in love twice.

Living with someone once.

Those are the numbers for women. The numbers for men are basically the same . . . the big difference is that men will have an average of 10 sexual partners, not seven.


Do you find this study to be true? To my married readers, how many partners did it take you before you found “the One”? To my single readers, what number are you currently on?
