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Guy Proposes By Having Cop Fake Arrest Him

A Guy Proposes to His Girlfriend by Having a Cop Fake Arrest Him . . . And It’s the Same Cop Who Arrested Both of Them the Night They Met

I don’t know why guys think PRANKING your girlfriend is a good way to PROPOSE to her. With that said, there’s at least a backstory for this one.

Back in September, a guy in New London, New Hampshire named Matt Van Vliet got the town’s police chief to pull him over and PRETEND to arrest him in front of his girlfriend, Samantha Labo . . . then revealed it was just a joke and proposed.

The backstory is that Matt and Samantha met several years ago when they were freshmen in college, went to a party underage . . . and got arrested by the SAME COP. Footage of the proposal just made its way online.


To my married reader, how did you propose to your wife?  To my women readers, anyone out there propose to their man? How did you do it?

